Interstate 75 from SR 54 to SR 52 (median guardrail, completed May 2001)
(Pasco County)
Interstate 75 over the Alafia River (bridge deck, completed August 2001)
(Hillsborough County)
Fowler Avenue at I-75 (interchange improvements, completed November 2001)
(Hillsborough County)
State Road 52 at Interstate 75 (safety project, completed February 2002)
(Pasco County)
Interstate 75 at State Road 56 (new interchange/road construction, completed June 2002)
(Pasco County)
Interstate 75 from south of SR 50 to the Sumter County Line (bridge widening, completed June 2002)
(Hernando County)
Interstate 75 at County Road 581 (Bruce B. Downs Blvd.) completed August 2002
(Hillsborough County)
I-75 at Gibsonton Drive Off-Ramp Signalization (completed September 2002)
(Hillsborough County)
State Road 60 at Interstate 75 (interchange improvements, completed March 2003)
(Hillsborough County)
Interstate 75 from south of Fowler Avenue to the Pasco County Line (resurfacing, completed March 2004)
(Hillsborough County)
Interstate 75 from Manatee County Line to SR 674 (resurfacing, completed November 2004)
(Hillsborough County)
I-75 / County Road 672 Interchange (completed March 2005)
(Hillsborough County)
Interstate 75 from the Hillsborough/Pasco line to south of State Road 54 (completed April 2005)
(Pasco County)
Interstate 75 from south of I-4 to south of Fowler Avenue (pavement rehabilitation and ramp replacement, completed June 2005)
(Hillsborough County)
Interstate 75 from County Road 672 to Bloomingdale Avenue (resurfacing, completed August 2005)
(Hillsborough County)
I-75 over State Road 674 (deck panel replacement, completed January 2006)
(Hillsborough County)
I-75 from SR 674 to CR 672 (resurfacing, completed June 2006)
(Hillsborough County)
I-75 from I-275 to State Road 56 and I-275 from Bearss Avenue to I-75 (widening, resurfacing, and median barrier, completed June 2007)
(Hillsborough County/Pasco County)
I-75 from north of State Road 52 to northeast of County Road 577 (completed July 2007)
(Pasco County)
I-75 from north of State Road 60 to south of I-4 (rehabilitation and exit ramp reconstruction - completed October 2007)
(Hillsborough County)
Tampa Bay Sunguide on I-75 from U.S. 301 to Fowler Avenue (completed April 2008)
(Hillsborough County)
Interstate 75 at County Road 581 (Bruce B. Downs Blvd.) Flyover Bridge (completed December 2008)
(Hillsborough County)
I-75 from Pasco County line to Lockhart Road (median guardrail, completed July 2009)
(Hernando County)
I-75 Deck Repairs over Broadway and CSX Tracks (completed August 2010)
(Hillsborough County)
I-75 at County Road 54 (interchange reconstruction and resurfacing, completed August 2010)
(Pasco County)
I-75 from Pasco County line to Lockhart Road (resurfacing, completed Sept. 2010)
(Hernando County)
I-75 from County Road 54 to Pasco/Hernando counties line (resurfacing, completed Dec. 2010)
(Pasco County)
I-75 from south of Progress Blvd to north of SR 60 (rehabilitation - completed November 2011)
(Hillsborough County)
I-75 Rest Area Reconstruction (completed March 2012)
(Pasco County)
I-75 from Lockhart Road to Withlacoochee River (resurfacing, completed June 2012)
(Hernando County)
New northbound I-75/I-275 Exit Ramps to State Road 56 (completed September 2012)
(Hillsborough/Pasco County)
I-75 Ramp Improvements at the Gibsonton Drive Interchange (completed September 2012)
(Hillsborough County)
I-75 Bridge Deck Replacement over Harney Road (completed February 2014)
(Hillsborough County)
Southbound I-75 Exit Ramp Extension & Widening at SR 60 (completed November 2014)
(Hillsborough County)
I-75 from south of State Road 56 to north of County Road 54 (completed November 2014)
(Pasco County)
Tampa Bay Intelligent Transportation System on I-75 from SR 56 to CR 54 (completed February 2015)
(Pasco County)
I-75 Bridge Deck Repair over the Alafia River (completed March 2016)
(Hillsborough County)
I-75 Bridge Painting (completed May 2016)
(Hillsborough County/Pasco County)
I-75 Widening from north of State Road 52 to the Pasco/Hernando counties line (completed August 2016)
(Pasco County)
I-75 Widening from Fowler Avenue to State Road 56 (completed August 2016)
(Hillsborough/Pasco County)
I-75 Widening from the Pasco/Hernando counties line to south of State Road 50 (completed November 2016)
(Hernando County)